As a Ram, you are bold and passionate and love a challenge! You’d be great at leading a protest to encourage H&M to stop selling wool that’s stolen from your kindred spirit the sheep, competing at a vegan cupcake bakeoff, or wearing an animal rights tee to make an eye-catching statement.

Loyal, intelligent, and gentle, you have a lot in common with your celestial animal, the Bull. You’re also happy in your own skin—a reminder never to wear anyone else’s and to skip leather, wool, fur, silk, down, and any other product that comes from animals. Try sharing what you learn about animal rights with friends, writing a compelling paper for school, or engaging in a debate about animal rights!

Curiosity and fun are important to you. Represented by the Twins, your power for animals could be channeled into hosting a screening of the film Blackfish and serving tons of vegan snacks, starting a student group and leading eye-catching demonstrations on campus, or volunteering at your local animal shelter to work off your positive energy with adoptable dogs and cats!

Compassionate, protective, tenacious, and highly intuitive, you are represented by the Crab, which makes you a great advocate for those in need. You get things done and see things through—you would succeed in a campaign to end animal dissection at your school, to get more vegan options in your school’s cafeteria, or to end animal testing on your college campus.

Represented by the Lion, you are a natural leader, warm-hearted, confident, and creative. Your flair for drama would be put to good use leading an animal rights group on campus, protesting for animal rights with costumes and props, or holding a fundraising drive for your local animal shelter. Because you’re you, everyone will want to get involved!

As the Maiden, you are loyal, kind, and hardworking. Being logical, reliable, and kind makes you a great leader—try organizing a trash-fishing event in your area, starting a student group at your school, or leading discussions about animal rights during class.

Represented by the Scales, you’re the perfect animal rights activist! Charming, extroverted, and diplomatic, you want to make the world a just place for all. Lead the way by learning more about speciesism, using your social skills to spread the word, and dreaming up a campaign to inspire your friends to take on with you!

Ah, the Scorpion—you can be stubborn, but that comes from your self-assured nature. You’re loyal, determined, and brave, and you stand by your beliefs, never caving just to seek someone’s approval. Lead a protest against a local fast-food chain to speak up for animals, leaflet outside your local H&M to protest the sale of animal skins, or hand out animal rights stickers to your friends and others on campus!

You do what you want, when you want to—and you don’t buy into unfair rules or cruel traditions when you know better. Your passion for life, represented by the Archer, comes with honesty, optimism, and ambition. Your free-spirited nature makes you empathetic to animals like orcas, dolphins, primates, and others held in captivity, and a protest against a local roadside zoo or SeaWorld would reinforce your desire to change the world!

Sincere, driven, and helpful, represented by the Goat, you would do well at persuading your school to add more vegan options to the cafeteria, helping them in replacing animal-tested products in the supply closet, or urging your teachers to replace animal dissection with humane options! With your goal-oriented and ambitious personality, you’ll succeed at everything you do.

You are the Water Carrier—intelligent, independent, and an excellent communicator. You prefer to work alone as opposed to in a group, but you always have great ideas! Think outside the box and conceptualize new ways to help end speciesism in your community—from fundraising that doesn’t include animals (we’re looking at you donkey basketball) to persuading your local government to ban animal sales at pet stores, you’re a deep thinker ready to put your original and progressive ideas into action.

Artistic, deeply emotional and empathetic, you wear your heart on your sleeve. Though represented by the Fish, you care about everyone, whether they have scales, fins, skin, fur, or feathers! You’re a dreamer and a doer, so leading an animal rights club, creating your own animal rights T-shirts, and hosting events at school like animal rights movie screenings or cruelty-free product giveaways can help fulfill your need to do something to make the world a kinder place for all (if only more people were like you!).
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Open to residents of the U.S. and Canada between the ages of 13 and 24. While supplies last.
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Dogs who are chained or penned in a yard 24/7 lead sad and lonely lives, but the situation isn’t hopeless. Take charge like a fiery Leo through one of the many ways you can help “backyard dogs” in your community.
help dogsA Harvard experimenter has spent her 40-year career tormenting animals—she tears baby monkeys away from their moms and deprives them of normal visual experiences. Evoke your vision of a kinder future by urging Harvard to give these monkeys the freedom they deserve.
help monkeysStarbucks claims to care about the environment, yet it punishes customers with an upcharge for choosing nondairy milks. Duality can be a good thing—as seen in Geminis—but this is hypocrisy. No one should be charged more for making a compassionate choice.
Help CowsLibras are like glue—they strive for harmony by holding all areas of life together. Glue traps do the opposite—these vile devices cause animals to suffer and die slowly and agonizingly. Tell everyone you know to never use a glue trap.
Help ratsAnimals who end up on a dissection tray were once living beings with thoughts, feelings, and families. It’s past time schools took a lesson from forward-thinking and innovative Aquarians and made dissection animal-free.
Help frogsYou may have heard of “responsible down” products, but there’s simply no such thing. Birds are sensitive animals, like Cancers. They can feel fear and pain, and they want to live free of suffering.
Help ducksSeaWorld forces dolphins and whales to have babies and keeps them in tiny tanks just to perform for humans. It’s like forcing a free-spirited Taurus into a routine they hate. These animals deserve to be transferred to seaside sanctuaries, not stuck in a never-ending cycle of exploitation.
Help dolphins